Printer Canon ip2770 |
Download Resetter printer Canon ip2770
Download Resetter printer Canon ip2770- How are you my friend all ? Hopefully my friend in the best circumstances and no one any less , my friend had not suffered as I did , when going to print the data of a sudden my printer canon iP2770 blink resume and power indicator light indicates an error and can not be doing anything , could not even catridnya move at all , some say it's time has adiklah and so on ... If weve sbat also experienced the same thing maybe this article can help , good luck ...
expected after the software must be manually reset , remember well learned the buttons are pressed .
Enter into Service Mode iP2770 :
1 . Printer is turned off and the power cord is attached .
2 . Press the RESUME button two seconds then press the POWER button until the green light on ( when pressing the POWER button , Resume button ... dont removed first )
3 . Then release the RESUME button , but do not release the POWER button .
4 . POWER button while still depressed , press the Resume button 5 times . Led will light turns green to orange last flame orange . ( not to be mistaken 4x because the printer will die in total , but it is temporary too ) Then ...
5 . Release both buttons simultaneously .
6 . LED will blink briefly then will flash GREEN .
7 . The computer will detect the new device , ignore it .....
8 . This situation shows the iP2770 printer is in a state of SERVICE MODE and ready to be reset .
Then run Resetter his iP2770 v1074 :
1 . File Exctract iP2770 Resetter .
2 . Prepare 2 paper in the printer ( to print at the time the reset process ) .
3 . Run the program iP2770 Resetter
4 . Click the " PLAY" , then the printer will proceed , then iP2770 will print one page with the words " D = 000.0 "
5 . Click " EEPROM Clear" .
6 . Then click " EEPROM " , and the printer will print the results iP2770 Resetter . One line in his writings as follows :
" TPage ( TTL = 00000 ) "
7 . Turn off the printer by pressing the POWER button .
8 . Done ...
Good luck ... Good luck
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